Helping churches and neighbourhoods and communities to flourish

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Our Impact

Our Impact

Our Impact



In the last year we have supported 4 groups working with the street homeless



In the last year we have supported 4 groups working with the street homeless



In the last year we have supported 4 groups working with the street homeless


Supporting churches

In the last year we have supported over 60 churches in their social engagement


Supporting churches

In the last year we have supported over 60 churches in their social engagement


Supporting churches

In the last year we have supported over 60 churches in their social engagement


Combatting Loneliness

Over the last year we have partnered with 4 projects to combat loneliness and advised many others


Combatting Loneliness

Over the last year we have partnered with 4 projects to combat loneliness and advised many others


Combatting Loneliness

Over the last year we have partnered with 4 projects to combat loneliness and advised many others

There are an estimated 136,000 victims of modern slavery in the UK. That’s 2.2 people per 1,000. Together in Sussex works with local communities, Regional Partnerships, and national initiatives to…
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We are here to help churches and communities across Sussex respond well to those experiencing poor Mental Health.
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Together in Sussex works in partnership with others organisation to help ease isolation and loneliness and across Sussex.
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Together in Sussex supports a number of different projects for those who are experiencing homelessness. These include Winter Night Shelters and drop-in sessions to provide relief for immediate needs such…
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14% of all UK adults have experienced food insecurity in the 12 months to mid-2022, equating to an estimated 11.3 million people. Between April 2022 and March 2023, food banks…
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Times are hard for people and many in our communities are experiencing financial distress, particularly those on low incomes. Together in Sussex are empowering people around financial wellbeing by focusing…
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I came that you may have life and have it abundantly

John 10:10