About Us

Together in Sussex works to inspire, enable and equip churches across Chichester Diocese to understand their neighbourhood and connect with vulnerable members of the communities so as to respond appropriately to issues of marginalisation and deprivation.

Our vision is to see churches and their communities coming together through action, informed support, prayer, and giving to help those most in need and to provide practical help, promoting social justice, inclusion, and integration, including all and inspiring hope.

TiS provides training and signposting support and shares research, resources, and best practice. We offer advice on working with volunteers and provide operational assistance for churches establishing community outreach projects.

Together in Sussex is a registered charity working with churches and community groups across Chichester Diocese. Part of the Together Network. operating across the UK. Together in Sussex began in 2017 as a joint venture between the Church Urban Fund and the Diocese of Chichester.

Visit Areas of Work to understand what we do and contact us to find out more about how we can help you to respond to poverty, deprivation, and marginalisation in your communities.

Diocese of Chichester



Martin Lloyd Williams

Archdeacon of Brighton and Lewes

Martin Poole website photo

Martin Poole

Chair and Vicar of St. Luke’s Prestonville

New Writing South 31st July 7 3

Marguerite Saffery


Church Urban Fund

Church Urban Fund (CUF) was established by the Church of England as a practical response to unmet need and has been active in local communities for over 30 years. CUFs vision is to see people and communities all over England flourish and enjoy life in all its fullness.

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Together Network

The Together Network is an alliance of 21 charities, known as joint ventures, linked by faith and driven by the desire to see communities flourish throughout England.

Visit Website