Modern Slavery Ambassadors

Modern Slavery Ambassadors


More than 200 years after the abolition of slavery it is estimated that over 40 million men, women, and children are trapped in modern slavery today. No one really knows just how many people are trafficked and enslaved in this country, but the World Health Organisation estimates it at 136,000!

‘Modern slavery’ is an umbrella term for various forms of slavery, trafficking of human beings, and their exploitation. It is used to describe circumstances where people are forced to work, owned or controlled, bought and sold, and where freedom is constrained. It is a term that is broader than most people think and broadly covers anyone who is exploited for work.

Together in Sussex is setting up a network of Modern Slavery Ambassadors across the diocese of Chichester in order to promote and inform this work to churches across East and West Sussex.

What do Modern Slavery Ambassadors do?

Being an Ambassador is a flexible and voluntary commitment. We are looking to form a network of people throughout the churches who will be:

A point of contact, for the diocesan antislavery, Hidden Voices or The Clewer Initiative lead for information dissemination.

Able to receive some free training in antislavery, trafficking, and exploitation issues.

Trained to spot the signs of slavery and know where and how to report concerns.

Willing (with support) to run an occasional activity on antislavery in your church.

Be able to receive information and to cascade this via church newsletters, leaflets, posters to your church and community.

To Champion Antislavery Day (October 18th)

Meet and campaign alongside like-minded people in your community

Be part of our campaign to raise awareness of modern slavery with the approval of your incumbent and PCC

Help to shape our work as we work together in partnership

Most of all be passionate about ending slavery, trafficking, and exploitation in their community

For Anglicans looking more information, to express an interest, but not a commitment, please contact

Tessa Ricketts is the point of contact for Roman Catholics who want to become ambassadors and you can find her email here: