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Men & Masculinities Programme

Some of Sussex’s most harmful and prolific domestic abusers will be targeted by a new multi-agency unit, starting this March 2021, jointly led and monitored by Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne and Sussex Police.

The Men & Masculinities programme is designed to deepen men’s understanding of themselves and their relationships. It is free and accessible for any men who are aware that their relationships have become distressing and damaged by their abusive behaviour, violence or issues of coercive control.

The programme creates a safe and supportive space for participants to explore the impact of gender socialisation on their relationships, their experiences of parenting and self-care and self-esteem. The programme will work with a range of clients including those that have substance misuse and or mental health issues. The programme also offers a linked (ex-) partner support service upon referral.

Get in touch
You can self-refer or be referred by a support worker or other professional. To speak to us in confidence, please call 07936 360110 or email adminDVA@cranstoun.org.uk

More information can be found in this Leaflet