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Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Plant a tulip and seed a conversation

Mental Health UK have teamed up with award-winning artist Paul Cummins MBE on a campaign to spring into action! The tulip has a colourful past. Having withstood a virus, it flourished brightly against all odds and flowers each spring. Quite simply, the tulip is a timely emblem of hope and rebirth through adversity.
Paul has donated a unique illustration of a tulip to us. During the week download it or draw your own tulip, colour it in blue and stick it in your window as a symbol of mental health awareness. Download Tulip here

Mark Rowland, Chief Executive, Mental Health Foundation says 'during long months of the pandemic, millions of us turned to nature. Our research on the mental health impacts of the pandemic showed going for walks outside was one of our top coping strategies and 45% of us reported being in green spaces had been vital for our mental health. Websites which showed footage from webcams of wildlife saw hits increase by over 2000%. Wider studies also found that during lockdowns, people not only spent more time in nature but were noticing it more. It was as if we were re-discovering at our most fragile point our fundamental human need to connect with nature.'

Mental Health Week helps bring a focus on the need have meaningful conversations, so try to Seed a conversation using the 5 ways to Wellbeing resource which you can find here: Seed a conversation